04 november 2024

Creating and testing sensors


Milou started her employment at ENTER about a year and a half ago, with a secondment at a company in medical technology. Here she works as a Sensor Engineer, mainly at the High-Tech Campus lab in Eindhoven. Milou does not specifically work on one project, but on several projects at the same time.

Part of her work is creating and testing sensors, such as ion-selective sensors, pH sensors and conductivity sensors. She does this for many different projects and purposes, such as a greenhouse horticulture project, where it is necessary to measure which nutrients are absorbed by plants, or a project measuring the quality of surface water (e.g. rivers, lakes, etc.). She is also involved in the miniaturization of sensors for various applications.

"I like the combination of the theoretical aspect and the practical aspect."

Milou / Sensor Engineer

In addition to creating and testing the sensors, Milou also works as (Assistant) Laboratory Manager. In this capacity, she does a lot of different things, and she likes it. She explains: "I like the combination of the theoretical aspect and the practical aspect. As (Assistant) Lab Manager, I can arrange a lot of things, and I have contact with other colleagues and customers." Milou is currently taking a Laboratory Manager course. She is eager to learn, develop and grow further. At some point, she would like to lead her own project.

So far, Milou has learned many things. She says: "You learn a lot about your specific field of expertise, both theoretical and practical. You continue to develop. But I have also been developing my soft skills. I have learned what it is like to operate as part of an organization, how things are done there, and I have become better at presenting to colleagues and customers."

Milou is proud of the growth she has experienced. A year and a half ago, she started by making relatively simple measurements. Now, her role as (Assistant) Lab Manager has her arranging things and presenting to colleagues and customers. And this is how she wants to continue to grow in the next period.