30 september 2021

Charlotte made a career switch and is now a happy Recruiter

Six months ago Charlotte switched to ENTER, where she started working as a Recruiter. Before that she worked as a marketer in a completely different industry. Why did she choose a different career path, what are her days like now and how does she like it?

"To start with that last question: good! Very good", she says enthusiastically on the roof terrace of the ENTER building on the Beemdstraat in Eindhoven. "I also found my old profession very interesting, but I missed the direct contact with people. I like to figure things out and I like to make connections. That's why I was looking for a job where those two aspects come together."

She thought she would find this in the job as a Recruiter. An exciting step, because it is a whole new field for her. Charlotte: "The whole industry is new to me as well. But that was and is also a challenge that makes it interesting. I have a very curious nature. And, of course, it's an industry that is thriving in Eindhoven and continues to develop. Technology is constantly changing and that stimulates me and makes me learn new things."

"Technology is constantly changing and that stimulates me and makes me learn new things"

Charlotte van Orsouw / Recruiter

The latter was also an important reason for Charlotte to take this step. "At ENTER I get the space to develop both personally and professionally. Moreover, it's just a really nice club of people. My colleagues are all different personalities who all fit into the organization in their own way. You can really be yourself here. That attracted me enormously during my application procedure and the great thing is that it is exactly as I imagined it would be." She is therefore well taken care of by her more experienced colleagues; Account Managers and Recruiters. "With them I spar, they give me tips and share their best practices with me."

Charlotte van Orsouw

Her work is also what she expected of it: varied and also just the things she missed in her previous work experiences, she finds in it. "My job consists of finding the right candidates through the various channels we use for that purpose. In one or two interviews I get to know them and discover what their motivations are. I constantly link up with our account managers: what are they looking for and which candidate is the right one? In doing so, I keep in touch with candidates, even if it doesn't become an immediate match."

"It's my job as a Recruiter to find the right people and get them excited about the projects we offer and about ENTER," Charlotte continues. “Of course, we are not the only company active in this market and we distinguish ourselves by the personal contact we have with all our client and candidates. It's not just about what their resume looks like, but also about who they are and whether they fit in with us and our clients."

"We distinguish ourselves by the personal contact we have with all our client and candidates"

Charlotte van Orsouw / Recruiter

All in all, Charlotte has found exactly what she was hoping for when she started this job. "Oh, and I haven't even mentioned our nice lunches and our Friday afternoon drinks, which fortunately are a regular occurrence again."