15 september 2022

Dieka van den Eijnde completes the Software team as recruiter

Dieka van den Eijnde (31) has been working as a recruiter for several years now. A job that still gives her a lot of satisfaction. "You can really mean something to people who are looking for a job or a next step", she says. "I always make sure I know exactly what we are looking for in a colleague and then I go and find it, so I can give a good perspective to the person I am approaching. After all, the interview is not just for me to explore whether the candidate fits in with ENTER, but just as much for the candidate to see whether ENTER suits him/her. I think it's important to provide a candidate with as much information as possible and also give them a chance to ask questions."

That Dieka would choose a profession in which she has to talk to people a lot, was already clear early on. But what exactly? She studied hospitality, but found that it was not her passion. So she continued her studies. "I chose the Hotel Management School, because it is a broad study and people who have studied there are often in demand in social professions", says Dieka. "During my studies, I noticed that I really found the HR aspect the most interesting. That is why I chose to focus my final year, internship and scripite, on HR recruitment. In my internship company, that meant I did both recruitment and account management. And then I noticed that my heart really started to beat faster for recruitment. I love helping people find a new job. Coaching someone and guiding them through the application process, that's what really energizes me!"

Dieka van den Eijnde

No empty promises
She recently joined ENTER from a previous job, where she is now in charge of recruitment for the Software Team. "People are key here, and that was the most important reason for me to choose ENTER. It's really true and not just an empty slogan. Here I can put a lot of time and effort into guiding and supporting my candidates and that makes it more fun and challenging than in some jobs I had before. Another thing I like about my new job at ENTER is that many candidates come from other countries. This gives me a lot of contact with different nationalities and I speak a lot of English. I have always had a fascination with that language and therefore I lived in the US for a year. This makes the work even more varied and interesting."

And it's not only the content of her work that she enjoys at ENTER. "It's also simply a great place to work, with great colleagues. We work hard, but we also laugh a lot. And that is very important to me! Nice colleagues make you walk into the office with a smile on your face every day, that's what everybody wants, isn't it?"