26 mei 2020

Three men, twenty years of ENTER

Three colleagues who all together work for ENTER for 20 years! We had something to celebrate last week. Hans Scheepers (right) is already with us for 10 years and Jack van Glabbeek (left) and Fred Jonkers (middle) both 5.

"I feel at home with ENTER!" Actually Hans Scheepers doesn't even have to say that, because the number of years he is already working for us proves this. It have been 10 already! Reason enough for his manager Perjan Kuijten to surprise him at home with flowers and a cake.

Jack van Glabbeek, Fred Jonkers and Hans Scheepers
Jack van Glabbeek, Fred Jonkers and Hans Scheepers


"My daughter does not allow me to change employer, she looks forward to the family day in the Efteling every year. Of course, it's not possible this year, so now I have to stay for at least another year", Hans says laughing. "I was planning to do that anyway, because after 10 years with one client it's time to look further. And Perjan helps me with that. I would like to develop myself. We have good conversations about that and he coaches me in my career".

"My daughter does not allow me to change employer, she looks forward to the family day in the Efteling every year."

Hans Scheepers

Perjan: "Hans is a very committed colleague. ASML, his client for 10 years, is very happy with him. Hans has had a number of roles here, but always in the same group. Staying in one place for a long time has its advantages, but sometimes it's also good to take on a new challenge. Hans and I have therefore defined his learning goals together and with that in mind we look at what is best for him in the future.”

Rooftop terrace

5 years ago Fred Jonkers signed his contract with us; a moment to reflect on on the roof terrace of ENTER together with his manager Bas.

Fred: "Bas approached me 5 years ago for a position at TNO. I still work there, but in the meantime at a different position on another location. And still via ENTER. I like that very much. At TNO, I work in a nice team and I do work where my passion lies: I calibrate and maintain test equipment. Meanwhile, I can always turn to Bas. He answers my questions, supports me and takes care of the pitch towards the client. I can really rely on him.”

Bas: "You yourself have spent a lot of time and effort showing what you are worth to your client. Together we went for a goal and we succeeded."

We sent flowers to Jack, who not only had his lustrum to celebrate, but who also moved. "Thanks for the beautiful flowers we received last week from ENTER at our new home address! Not only because of the move, but also because I have been working for TNO-Holst through ENTER for 5 years now with great pleasure. I hope there will be at least 5 more years!"