13 oktober 2022

First edition Tech 2 Share Eindhoven

Our team of engineers is growing fast. And of course we are very happy about that! We have a team of colleagues of whom we are very proud and whom we like to bring together.

We do this not only in larger contexts, such as at a joint barbecue or Christmas party with the entire ENTER team, but also in slightly smaller gatherings. This is why we have created two new recurring events at our Eindhoven office: 'Tech 2 Share' for our Technology Engineers and 'Software & Socials' for our Software Engineers. Tech 2 Share kicked off last week for the first in the series.

Tech 2 Share
The first edition of Tech 2 Share

Bennert Smit, Richard van Hest and Nils Fleuren, three colleagues who work on three very different projects through ENTER, took the rest of their colleagues through their daily work and challenges. Afterwards there was, of course, plenty of time to exchange ideas with each other over drinks and dinner. Because at ENTER we don't only like to match you to the right projects, but also to each other. This way you can build a valuable network with your colleagues.

We ended the evening with a nice meal