22 maart 2022

ENTER at EEMCS-Recruitment Days in Delft

Students working on their networks and us getting to know the talent of the future. Sounds like a good combination. That is why we participated in the EEMCS-Recruitment Days at TU Delft.

At this event, matches are made between companies and students by comparing the preferences of both parties. The students mainly have background in Computer Science, Embedded Systems and Electrical Engineering. The Recruitment Days took place over 5 days and we were present on 2 of them. We had speed dates with our matches, during which we told them about ENTER and asked them about their ambitions.

Kevin Breggeman did the honors for ENTER on Thursday. "During the speed dates, I had very interesting conversations with the students. It was an insightful day for both them and us."

EEMCS-Recruitment Days
EEMCS-Recruitment Days