03 februari 2020

ENTER appoints Jeroen Gielens as Commercial Director

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As of 1 February 2020, Jeroen Gielens will be the new Commercial Director of ENTER, the high-quality service provider within the hightech industry. Jeroen has extensive experience in the secondment sector, the sector in which ENTER has been successful for nineteen years now. Jeroen strengthens the management team in addition to Operational Director Mark Sidler and Managing Director Roland Poesen. Roland: "With Jeroen in the management team we increase our strength and we can further shape our (growth) ambition".

Jeroen Gielens
Jeroen Gielens

Jeroen studied Business Economics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. "I opted for a career in employment mediation. This sector is about people and making connections between people and ccustomers. That attracted me." At YER, Jeroen stood at the basis of the transformation from a classic recruitment & selection agency to a (technical) secondment organisation. He then fulfilled a number of consultancy assignments on an interim basis. Jeroen: "At ENTER the people are at the heart of the company and loyalty, commerce and professionalism go hand in hand. I am very much looking forward to making my contribution to the success of the company.”

"At ENTER the people are at the heart of the company and loyalty, commerce and professionalism go hand in hand."

Jeroen Gielens / Commercial Director

With the arrival of Jeroen, Roland will focus even more on the strategy and long-term vision of ENTER.