16 februari 2023

Gabor Fähmel new Business Unit Manager Software Technology Delft

"Patrick van Noort approached me. If I was open to a conversation." So begins the ENTER story of Gabor Fähmel, our new Business Unit Manager Software Technology in Delft, a few months ago. "The timing was right," says Gabor, "In my previous job, IT was a small part, at ENTER it's all about Software and Technology. And that certainly makes my heart beat faster, to put it in ENTER terms."

Why so? "IT can be found at many different levels in companies and there are many different facets to it. For example, on the service side or, like at ENTER, on the development side. As a result, it is always new and that keeps it interesting," Gabor explains.

The team he will be joining is also new to ENTER. "Patrick obviously has more than a decade of experience at ENTER and my immediate colleague Ian has also been working there for a long time. But my team members Tessa and Saïda are still relatively new. That gives a lot of opportunities to make good use of the skills and knowledge present, but also to shape a lot more. We can still move forward in all directions and have an influence on that and that's great fun!"

"ENTER suits me in all areas," Gabor continues. "I'm ‘a Rotterdammer’ and with me it's: 'Just act normal, that’s crazy enough'. I find the same attitude here, in the sense that everyone is open. I also noticed that in all the conversations, in both Delft and Eindhoven, and that charms me."

In addition, Gabor has always had a passion for bringing people and resources together. "Even from my study at the Hogere Hotelschool where I chose Personnel & Employment as my major. The real HR side of it didn't attract me, but matching people to projects and vice versa was totally what I liked and so I started doing it. At ENTER, in my new role, I can continue this for our seconded colleagues, while at the same time guiding my team in further steps on their career path."

Gabor Fähmel