Well-functioning teams consist of people who complement and counterbalance each other. In order to accomplish this, a glimpse into each other's preferred style of communication can help. That's why we participated in an interactive training at ENTER with our 'office' teams from both Delft and Eindhoven to gain insight into each other and to learn how to give and receive feedback.
An important part of this were the activities with a game element. Trying to put a bamboo stick on the ground with four people while that stick can only lie on everyone's straight outstretched forefingers (that must be in contact with the stick the whole time) is harder than you think. And how do you get to the highest possible house of cards with a mixed team of thinkers and doers? And who will take the coaching role in a game that is all about speed?
"Achieving a goal together, learning about and from each other and laughing together; an excellent recipe for teambuilding."
Apart from interesting insights, the workshop also generated a lot of hilarity. Achieving a goal together, learning about and from each other and laughing together; an excellent recipe for teambuilding.

(The nameplates you see on our clothing in the pictures, were at the request of the person who gave the training, by the way... We know each others names of course.)