23 augustus 2022

Arsha Shiri: "Here I can just tell my boss if I don't agree with something"

Arsha Shiri has been working for ENTER for almost one and a half years now. He took this step because he thought he could do interesting projects at ENTER and learn a lot from them. "And that came true," he says. First he worked for six months on a wearable that monitors babies and pregnant women, now he works for an innovative company that develops solutions for (large) farming.

Arsha: "My first assignment was at a company that helped a start-up move forward and that was very cool, because you really build something from scratch. A former colleague emailed me the other day and told me that the product we worked on was released. Those are moments of pride."

Studying a lot
On his current assignment, as on the previous one, he works as a software engineer. "I studied Civil Engineering and then moved to the Netherlands for a Master’s degree in Structural Engineering at TU Delft. And then I found out that I really like to develop software. Then I started as an engineer at a company where I could also work a little on software and by studying and learning a lot and taking my chance at ENTER, I have now become what I wanted."

Arsha Shiri

And so now he designs software and fixes bugs. "We also go to the farms that use our software to install it on the spot. That's when you really see what your end customer needs. It's one thing to sit behind a computer and think of things, but it's totally different when you're there and see what the farmers need."

Arsha is a member of the team that maintains the software for a feeding robot for cows. "That robot takes food to the cows. Cows have different needs, in terms of the amount of food or in terms of recipe. The farmer has a web interface for that and in that way he can set for each part of the barn exactly what the cows in that part need." Arsha explains enthusiastically. "It's just cool to see that something you created actually works as it should. And then when we implement a new feature and we go to the farm and the farmer is happy, so am I!"

But his work is not all he lives for. "I like hiking, gaming, reading books. And I still want to learn many things, that's really my passion. But that's also possible here, here there is room for a life alongside your work." Arsha comes from Iran, although he now has the Dutch nationality. "I came here 7 years ago for my studies, but I'm not leaving anymore. I am very happy with the Dutch work culture. Not only because people here also care about their lives besides work and therefore they organize their work very efficiently, but also because of the flat working culture. My boss is just two desks away and I can just say it if I disagree with something and then we have a constructive conversation. That not only moves yourself forward, but also your work."