15 februari 2022

Job application training by Daan Breider en Patrick van Noort

For more than 5 years now, ENTER has been providing job application training to students of Delft University of Technology during the Delft Business Days. This year we continued this. Fortunately, it was allowed to go live again and so Patrick van Noort and Daan Breider went to the university for their course 'How to apply successfully'.

Divided into two sessions, Patrick and Daan took a total of about 80 students into the world of job applications, which was still unfamiliar to them. Daan: "It was an interactive session, in which we touched upon subjects such as self-assessment, a good application letter and CV and thorough preparation for the job interview. But also: how do you actually search for a job?”

Patrick van Noort in front of a group of students

It was a morning and an afternoon full of inspiration. Not only for the students, but also for Daan and Patrick. "We always get a lot of energy from it ourselves," Patrick says. "And the nice thing is: we often see many students later in the week at our stand at the Delft Business Days fair. This year that is still online, but we will make something of it!