03 februari 2022

Kevin Breggeman strengthens our Technology team in Delft

Introducing: Kevin Breggeman, our new account manager Technology in Delft. "The combination of taking good care of the people in your team while achieving commercial success at the same time, is the best thing for me."

Kevin already has several years of experience in the secondment industry and he has always enjoyed doing that work as well. "But I am also entrepreneurial and being able to take initiative is very important to me. A straitjacket just doesn't feel right to me... Ian Breedveld, one of the accountmanagers in Delft, often told me very positive stories about ENTER, so I had the feeling that I would fit in very well here."

Ian and Kevin have known each other for some time. "We were each other's competitors before and were sometimes in each other's territory, but we had a really good click from the moment we met. Ian then had Patrick van Noort, the operations manager in Delft, call me. And that clicked as well!

Kevin Breggeman

Attract and retain

A few conversations later with other colleagues within ENTER, Kevin decided to take the plunge. "It's all about attracting and retaining the colleagues in your team. Of course you have to make money, but you can do that while making sure your colleagues are happy. And that's really what it's all about here. Tech with a heartbeat is not just an empty slogan, it's really the DNA of the company."

But that wasn't the only thing that appealed to him. Kevin: "The high-tech domain suits me very well. In previous jobs I mediated people in software. I have a lot of interest in engineering and technology myself. You don't have to get me to build something myself, but I do like to immerse myself in what my customers are doing. If I've been talking to a client about an interesting project, I want to know everything about it. So this job really makes my heart beat faster!"