03 januari 2020

Mascha Prins starts at ENTER as Marketing Communications Manager

Let me introduce myself: I am Mascha Prins, since 1 January 2020 Marketing Communications Manager at ENTER. As such, I am responsible for ENTER’s own internal and external communication. In the near future I will be working on a new brand identity, positioning the ENTER brand and building brand awareness among our various target groups, such as our seconded colleagues, potential candidates and customers.

Mascha Prins
Mascha Prins

With great pleasure, I have been working in the high-tech sector for twelve years already in various marketing and communication roles. I am well aquainted with ENTER’s branch of industry and very much looking forward to using my expertise to help the company grow further and to support my colleagues, our candidates and our customers from my position.

"I'm looking forward to support my colleagues, our candidates and our customers from my position."

Mascha Prins / Marketing Communicatiemanager