28 september 2022

Onboarding for a good start (and 5 good reasons to choose ENTER!)

To give you a good start with us, we always start with an Onboarding. Here you get to know us better, but also your new colleagues who start on other projects.

We give you a lot of practical information that evening, for example about your time registration, but we also tell you what training and education you can do with us and what events are planned. We always end the evening with 'beer and pizza', a successful formula to get to know some people at ENTER. Something we find important, because that way you build a network. Handy for your future! And the first reason to choose ENTER!

We enjoy being a link between you and your other colleagues, as well as between you and our clients. We think along with you and deliver customized solutions. We look at what you need and what you want to learn, both professionally and personally. For us, that is #techwithaheartbeat

Pizza and beer on our rooftop terrace

What is secondment exactly?
As a technical professional, the world is at your feet. Your job opportunities are extremely good. So why choose secondment via ENTER? We give you 5 good reasons! And yes, meetings with plenty of food and drinks are among them!

For starters, what exactly does secondment entail? This is ‘lending employees to a third party’. In practice, this means that someone is employed by a project organization, you with us in this case. We look for your motivations and qualities as an engineer. Along that we have several clients with capacity issues who come to us. We then see which projects suit you, all in consultation, of course. If then both our client and you are a match, you will start working for that client for a certain period of time.

Then the benefits:
1. Grip on your career.
2. Security.
3. Personalized guidance.
4. Variety.
5. And last but not least: with us you build a network for life.

We will go through them with you one by one on this page.

1. Grip on your career

In any job, you can take control of your career and decide to change tack. But when working through secondment, this is often a little easier. If you would like to gain experience in a different sector or develop differently within your specialty, such as team leader, there are plenty of opportunities. Opportunities that your manager within ENTER will be happy to explore with you.

2. Certainty

You will work for us; we will be your employer and give you a contract. Through us you will work for a client. We will take care of you as a good employer and that means, for example, that we will take care of your pension and that you can develop professionally and personally through us.

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Some colleagues during their Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

3. Personal coaching

At ENTER we work in teams, linked to one of our competencies. This means that you always have your own ENTER manager with whom you can discuss your work and who is also your contact for everything that is important to you. Whether this is a next step in your career, or a course, or whether it is about developments at your client or personal circumstances: your manager will devote a lot of time and personal attention to you and your needs.

4. Variety

Through secondment, you get the chance to look inside many different companies and gain experience. It gives you the chance to learn about different industries. You also come into contact with different company cultures. So you can discover what makes your heart beat faster. You also learn to be flexible. And because you will come into contact with many professionals, you will quickly build a network. Handy for the future!

An interesting evening full of knowledge for our colleagues in Delft

5. Professional community

At ENTER, we think contact between you and your colleagues is very important. That is why you will meet regularly to share experiences. During professional workshops, but also during informal gatherings such as drinks and barbecues or our annual ENTER family day.

The other side of that network, the clients' side, is of course also important. Thanks to our good relationships with our clients, we can open doors for you at various organizations in different industries. Companies that you would never have thought of, or of which you did not expect to be able to get a job quickly. With some large international companies it can be more difficult to get in on your own, while we have the right contacts to put you in contact with the right people for the right job.

So consider secondment! Whether you have just left college and don't yet know which job suits you best, or you are re-entering the job market for the first time after several years with an employer: we are happy to meet you.

Are you an expat?
We realize that it is a big step to come from abroad to work and live in the Netherlands. We want to make that step as easy as possible for you. We are very experienced in accommodating expats. We see it as our responsibility to get you off to a good start as an expat in the Netherlands.

To get you started, we created this roadmap for you. If, after reading this, you need more information: please reach out to us!

quiznight xl
Besides our own ENTER Pubquiz, colleagues can also take part in Quiznight XL in Eindhoven during Dutch Technology Festival