09 maart 2020

Visiting ENTER

20181113 IMG 9443 HDR bewerkt Hires

If you plan to visit one of our locations, we ask you to take our Corona protocol into account.

Normally we are always happy to shake hands with you to welcome you to our building, but on the advice of the RIVM we will not do that for the time being. At the entrance we have disinfectant hand gel that you can use. Of course we always keep a distance of one and a half meters between people.

We would also like to ask you whether you have recently been in one of the risk areas* and are you therefore in self quarantaine? Or do you have (mild) symptoms that may indicate a COVID-19 infection? Then please let us know and we will be happy to make the appointment via Skype or telephone. This also applies if someone in your household has a fever.

*Please check the website of the government where this information is updated.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we hope to see you soon!