06 oktober 2022

Saïda den Heijer new Corporate Recruiter in Delft

Everything fell into place during the job interview at ENTER for Saïda den Heijer. The position as Corporate Recruiter at ENTER is right up her alley. "And in my conversations with Ian Breedveld and Patrick van Noort I was able to be myself completely," she says. So the choice was quickly made for Saïda and September 26 she started working at our office in Delft.

That she would become a recruiter was not immediately obvious. "I studied Law at the level of Higher Vocational Education, because I actually wanted to become a lawyer. The logical next step was to go to university. But because I was already working a lot in the legal sector in addition to my studies, I preferred to not continue studying. I liked it at first, but after a while it no longer gave me any energy. It’s very analytical and you deal with people's problems a lot. Whereas I get energy from working in a positive way with people and making sure they can develop and I can see them grow. You can do that if you work as a recruiter, because then you are the one who makes the right match for them."

Speed and freedom
It was a friend of Saïda's who pointed her to the job as a Financial Advisor at a large bank in the Netherlands. Saïda: "A bit of legal and financial, while working with people, that suited me perfectly. So I always enjoyed doing it." Until it was time to broaden what she was doing and before she really started looking around on LinkedIn she saw something come along that really appealed to her. "A job as a Corporate Recruiter in IT, an innovative sector and then at a company with few layers. That appeals to me. I need speed and freedom. I went there for a cup of coffee and turned out working there for 3.5 years."

In that job, Saida also coached and trained her colleagues, something that brought her a lot herself. "I took a coaching course and am DiSC certified, which means I can help people gain a better understanding of themselves, with the goal that they learn to recognize and break behavioral and communication patterns. Eventually I found that so interesting and, above all, so much fun to do that I started my own training and coaching company," Saïda says.

Saïda den Heijer

En dat liep goed, vervolgt ze. “Maar ik kwam er ook achter dat het heel erg op en neer kan gaan qua drukte. Met drie jonge kinderen thuis, merkte ik dat ik toe was aan iets meer stabiliteit. En dat was het moment dat ik op mijn LinkedIn aangaf open te staan voor een nieuwe baan. Mijn inbox ontplofte, maar toen belde Ian… Zijn open persoonlijkheid trok me eigenlijk meteen over de streep om met ENTER te gaan praten. En de rest is geschiedenis”, sluit ze lachend af.