20 december 2022

Seyhmus Gökçen: ‘Presenting your skills isn’t enough when convincing an audience’

“I already feel at home here in the Netherlands”, says Seyhmus Gökçen. Not too long ago Seyhmus joined ENTER as a Software Engineer. He just finished the course ‘Presenting Your Ideas’, which will help him reach his goals.

This course helps you prepare for different situations where you must convince others of your idea. During two evenings you learn to present your ideas in such a manner that your audience will listen. Whether that audience is one of your colleagues or an entire workgroup. “Before I started the course, I thought about presenting my ideas as an engineer. But during the course I learned that you must be much more social and much more personal. You must have a good roadmap when you are presenting something.”

Previously Seyhmus thought that when he presented himself that it was enough to only talk about his skills. During the course he learned that that was in fact not the case. He now knows that he must have a concrete goal which he has to substantiate very well. Seyhmus also learned that taking your audience into account is very important. “Normally I would have told the same things to all the interviewers. But now I would tell these things based on the audience.”

Understand the Dutch culture
Seyhmus is originally from Turkey and moved to the Netherlands for new job opportunities. “The Netherlands is known for its openminded culture. There are also a lot of high-tech companies in the Netherlands which made it even more interesting for me to move to the Netherlands.” The Dutch and Turkish culture are very different from one another. Erica, one of our Talent Managers, suggested that Seyhmus would take the course Presenting Your Ideas so that he would understand the Dutch culture better.

“Erica also helped me with finding an apartment. She went to the viewing for me and sent me a video of the apartment and without seeing the apartment we rented it,” says Seyhmus. He adds: “I didn’t have any other interviews with other recruitment companies. ENTER was the first company that I went to for an interview. And I got in on my first try. ENTER would be my first choice in any way! The people at ENTER are really helpful and are personally involved with every candidate that comes through the door. They are also extremely helpful. Therefore, I choose ENTER.”

Seyhmus Gökçen
Seyhmus Gökçen