04 oktober 2022

Internship or side job at ENTER? Excellent idea!

At ENTER, we like to give young talent a chance to develop. And that doesn't only apply to our seconded colleagues or our colleagues in the office, but also to people who are looking for an internship or a job that looks good on their resume. There are currently 5 students working at ENTER, all of whom are fully part of the team. Good for them, but also for us. Not only because of the extra hands, but especially because of their fresh view on our company and our work and their enthusiastic contribution. And why do they like working at ENTER? They tell you below.

Melle Hernaus
I am Melle Hernaus, 21 years old, third-year HRM student at Avans Den Bosch and I am doing an internship at ENTER. I am supporting Sabina and I am doing research for the internal organization, of course a report has to come out of this eventually. I chose ENTER because I was looking for a younger and more dynamic company after my first internship. I also liked the idea of working in a smaller (HR) department so that I could be involved in as many different things as possible. ENTER fitted this description and I already knew Mark, so there was a link there too.

Yoram van As
I am Yoram van As, student Maritime Engineering, and I work alongside my studies as a Talent Sourcer for ENTER's Technology team in Delft. I chose ENTER because my flatmate Tara has been working here for a while. She always came home with good stories about the work and the nice working atmosphere within the company. When she told me there was a vacancy as Talent Sourcer, I knew immediately and applied.

stage en bijbaan
Elke, Yoram, Felix, Melle, Tara

Tara Soleymanpour
I am Tara Soleymanpour and I study Technical Business Administration at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. I am also preparing to switch to TU Delft. At ENTER, I am the Talent Sourcer of the ENTER West Software Team. A friend of mine had told me about Enter. This made me so enthusiastic that I started applying myself. Because I am doing a technical study myself, this is where my interest lies, of course.

Felix van Eeten
My name is Felix van Eeten and I'm in my final year of the study Real estate & Brokerage at Fontys in Eindhoven. At ENTER, I work as a Relocation Officer, helping new colleagues find a new home in the Netherlands. I chose ENTER because the challenge of finding housing for new employees in the current housing market really appealed to me. In addition, my work here at ENTER ties in well with my studies because here I see the housing problem from a whole new angle.

Elke Willems
My name is Elke Willems and I am in my final year of the study Commercial Economics at Fontys in Eindhoven. I have been a Marketing & Communication Assistant at ENTER since February. I was mainly looking for something new where I could gain experience. Then I met Mark and one thing led to another. And now I'm working with Mascha, but I'm also independently doing research into the media needs of our target group.