12 oktober 2021

Stephan Dooms new Account Manager Software in Delft

Meet Stephan Dooms, our new Account Manager Software! From 1 October this year, he is our new colleague in Delft. Besides a lot of experience, he also brings a lot of enthusiasm with him.

"I previously worked in secondment for eight years, but for the past two years I had deliberately chosen a different path. But when Annemieke, the corporate recruiter at ENTER, called me about this job, I got the itch again", Stephan says.

And not without reason, because Annemieke explained how ENTER sees the job as an account manager. Stephan: "At ENTER it's really a 360 degree role and that means that I can occupy myself with both the professionals in my team and with my customers. I find that very cool. I'm also really looking forward to building my own team!"

Making the combination between candidate and client is what makes Stephan's heart beat faster. "It's in my nature to be supportive and I really want to help my colleagues get a great assignment. And if that colleague in turn can help my client with the development or improvement of a product, the circle is complete and I am happy."

Privately, Stephan gets very happy from spending time with his family. He has two children and the third is on the way. He and his girlfriend have a passion for traveling, but when that wasn't possible because of Corona, Stephan wasn't bored for a second either. "I can't sit still. That's why I also like to go out for runs a lot. Sport is a passion anyway and especially soccer. I've been a goalkeeper for years."

Stephan Dooms
Stephan Dooms