25 oktober 2022

Study association Antoni van Leeuwenhoek gets interview workshop from Patrick van Noort

Patrick van Noort, our Operational Manager in Delft, is a master in giving job application workshops. Last week it was the turn of study association Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. This study association is for Master students BioMedical Engineering and Biomedical Design at Delft University of Technology.

Patrick had a group of 25 students in front of him, whom he first took through a theoretical part, before interacting with them in the areas of self-assessment, CV, motivation letter and job interview. Given the positive feedback, it was another successful event for the students.

"But certainly also for us," Patrick says. "We do this every year, from our relationship with this study association. This way, we help the students a step further on their career path and we are sure to get to know possible good candidates for our clients. That's how the knife cuts both ways."