Thomas van Dongen (21) studied Business Administration at Lower Vocational level and then chose Commercial Economics at Higher Vocational level. When it turned out that he was not happy there, he made the choice to work full-time for a year. "Next year I will then study Finance & Control part-time, which means that I will study 1 day a week and can continue working at ENTER 4 days a week."
Thomas has been our colleague in financial administration for a few weeks now. "Administrative work is what I am good at and what I like. That's why Commercial Economics wasn't a good fit for me." The job at ENTER and ENTER itself do suit him well. "I immediately had a good feeling about ENTER. When I went for an interview, Sabina Sanders told me that she felt at home here very quickly. And I had the feeling, that I would also feel at home here very quickly. That has come true."
That feeling is sometimes in very small things tells Thomas. "Porcelain instead of plastic cups for the coffee. Having lunch together and then also setting the table together and cleaning up together. We work hard, there is a lot of structure, but still every day is different and there is a homely atmosphere. As a result, I feel like I've been working here much longer!"