06 maart 2020

Fifth ENTER pub quiz: getting challenged and having fun

8 Vijfde pubquiz 5e626ef7194a4

Getting challenged, meeting each other and enjoying good food and drinks. These are the ingredients of our annual pub quiz. This week we organized it for the fifth year in a row.

Seven teams of five people competed with each other in a grand café at Strijp-S in Eindhoven. Together they answered questions in the field of technology, film, music and general knowledge, while enjoying dinner in between.

"A good opportunity to catch up with colleagues or get to know new ones. We find that very important."

Every year, the pub quiz is a great success; a good opportunity to catch up with colleagues or get to know new ones. We find that very important. Because even though many colleagues are working on location with our customers, together we are one team.

ENTER Pubquiz
ENTER Pubquiz