26 juli 2022

BLOG: The 7 preconceptions of secondment. Justified or not?

What could be reasons for you to choose to work with a secondment organization? On that topic, I previously wrote this article. Of course it's great to be able to explain why we at ENTER can be of added value to you as a (young) professional. But, besides advantages, there are a lot of assumptions about working via a secondment construction. Below I have listed some of the common preconceptions, with the aim of sharing our perspective on them with you.

The secondment provider is making money on my back
How does that work? When you are seconded via ENTER, we pay you a competitive salary. The fact is that we charge our services to our clients and not to you.

I have no control over the project I start
At ENTER, you are our main focus. That means that, based on your ambitions, interests and skills, we will look for a project that matches them. We take a facilitating and advisory role, whereby you ultimately make the final choice for the project and the client for which you are going to start.

I have no certainty
We find it important to enter into a collaboration based on trust. When a project ends or you come to the conclusion that you want to change the direction of your career, for example, we will be there for you to set a smooth follow-up process in motion. In addition, we often work on the basis of a permanent contract, so you don't have to worry about that either.

Charlotte van Orsouw

At a secondment firm, you are treated as a number
At ENTER, it's all about people. Our organization now has more than 170 colleague engineers who work for our clients on a project basis. We are small enough to maintain personal contact during the collaboration, but large enough to offer challenging projects at the leading organizations in the High Tech industry. Fun fact; that was also one of the reasons that I chose to work for ENTER as a recruiter a year and a half ago. You get the space to be yourself, a personal approach and the possibility to realize your own ambitions.

I am afraid that I have to change projects a lot
Most of our projects last 1 to 2 years. So you get enough space to get to know the organization and function and to be of added value. We also have colleagues, for example, who find depth within their assignment and can continue to grow in that way, which means they work for the same client for several years.

I have to travel all over the country for the projects I carry out
In the past 20 years, we have built up a partnership with various organizations in North Brabant (Brainport) and in the Randstad. We take your wishes into account, which goes beyond project work and also relates to the travel distance you wish to travel for your work.

Secondment organisations don't understand my skills
At ENTER, we have several colleagues with technical backgrounds and extensive experience in the industry. So we know what you are talking about, and we are ready to act as your sparring partner both professionally and personally. At ENTER, we work in small teams, linked to one of our competences. This way, you will always have your own ENTER manager with whom you can discuss your work and who is also your contact person for everything that is important to you, both during the application process and during your collaboration.