03 november 2020

Joey Stroek joins Business Unit Software

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As from November 2nd, 2020, Joey Stroek reinforces our Business Unit Software. As an Account Manager he will be involved in web- and app development. At ENTER everything coincides for him: his choice for technology in combination with sales, in a job where it's all about people.

"I've always been very interested in new technologies and developments, that's why I studied ICT and Mediadesign. To earn some money during my studies, I had a side job in sales. And then I discovered that not only did I really like that, but also that that is where my strength lies. After my studies, I therefore became Account Manager at a service provider in technical specialists.

Joey Stroek
Joey Stroek

"It makes me happy to meet my customer’s demand. At ENTER it's also about that: being the link between the personal motives of clients and employees."

Joey Stroek / Account Manager

I always go for long-term relationships. With my clients, but also with the people I outsource. It makes me happy to meet my customer’s demand. At ENTER it's also about that: being the link between the personal motives of clients and employees. Thinking along and delivering custom work and having an eye on what someone needs. Professional, but also personal. This vision fits in perfectly with how I want to do my job and that is the reason for my switch to ENTER.”